Nzagha David Eze: My first week at EarlyBird

Meet Nzagha "David" Eze, a talented full-stack developer from Nigeria. Now a member of EarlyBird team.

Nzagha David Eze: My first week at EarlyBird

We are excited to announce that we have a new addition to our team, and we wanted to take a moment to introduce him to our community.

Meet Nzagha "David" Eze, a talented full-stack developer from Nigeria. David has been honing his skills in web development for a while now, and we are thrilled to have him join our team. He has a wealth of experience with programming languages such as JavaScript, Typescript, and PHP and is well-versed in full-stack web development and software architecture.

Last day, I had the opportunity to sit down virtually with David to get to know him and learn more about his background and experience. And I was excited to hear more about his journey and how he has settled into his role at EarlyBird. Here's the chat transcript:

Can you tell us about your background and how you became a full-stack developer?

Growing up, I always had an unending curiosity about computers and how they work. I started learning how to make Custom themes for Nokia Java phones using XML editors, which were particularly interesting and fascinated me a lot. I got more curious and wanted to be able to build Arcade games too. Following my curiosity, I realized I could utilize my mind and help solve many problems with technology. I later got access to an Android phone (my dad's, lol) from where I started learning HTML, CSS, Javascript, and PHP from SoloLearn, a very fun way to "learn playing and play learning."

My curiosity fueled more curiosity, and I evolved to building simple projects guided by my principle of "As I learn, I do, and As I do, I learn" I went ahead to become an Autodidact Full-stack Developer.

I started learning Software Engineering at a time when the internet was experiencing a boom in technological inventions. At that time, you're learning a particular technology, and 10 new ones are coming to the market, flashy and futuristic techs. What I have done particularly well was avoiding the noise and getting super grounded in the basics, especially after learning that, in the end, everything comes down to 0s and 1s. Now it's always easy, almost effortless, to catch up on any new technologies and industry trends. I read a lot of technical documentation, look at Youtube videos, and use some developer resources, especially learn-by-example resources.

How did you land at EarlyBird? Tell us the story!

I landed at Earlybird, first as a customer, having failed at several startups myself and realizing the hard way that I was doing it the wrong way. Like most first-time founders, I've had my fingers burnt several times going from idea to MVP to MVM, which is not supposed to be. I discovered it the hard way. I should have built a simple landing page to sell the product to prospective customers and found validation before building an MVP. Before I realized it, I had already lost valuable time and money, and I was determined to help other Entrepreneurs and Creators avoid these pitfalls by joining Earlybird to create awesomeness that empowers Entrepreneurs and Creators to create beautiful and highly converting Landing Pages to Validate their ideas and offerings Effortlessly.

How has your first week at EarlyBird been so far?

It has been amazing. I had taken my time to understand the codebases and the project architectures for both Frontend and Backend. I have also made my first contributions and connected well with some of my teammates, Luo, Mufeng, and Mighil.

Can you tell us about a specific project or task you worked on during your first week?

I worked on Crisp Integration for Landing Pages. This was a particularly interesting task as it enabled me to have a footprint on all the involved parts of the system. From the Database to the Backend, and the Frontend, including the resulting Public Website.

Crisp is a Livechat and CRM tool for businesses, and I believe our customers would find it impactful to use it on their Landing Pages.

How have you been getting familiar with EarlyBird's codebase and development processes?

I have since adapted after taking my time to understand the codebase and the development processes.

Are there any areas of the development process at EarlyBird that you find particularly interesting or challenging?

The initial setup is quite challenging, and the recent migration to Dockerized containers is superb and interesting.

Have you had a chance to work with the team yet? How has that experience been?

Yes, I have worked with the team from day 1. The experience was great for me. They're always listening and very supportive. I had some problems setting up, but the team was always by me until everything was right.

Are there any specific tools or technologies that you've been using for the first time at EarlyBird? How have you been adapting to them?

Yeah, they're also some tools I've been very familiar with, which I just also started using professionally in EarlyBird. But I haven't been having any issues at all using any of them, so I adapted quickly.

Technologies like Docker, Typescript, and tools like Feishu and Gitlab.

How would you describe the company culture at EarlyBird? How do you fit into it?

Uhh! Mmm, the culture is great. It is joyous to work at Earlybird, and the culture of internal innovation aligns perfectly with my objectives and aspirations.

Can you share your life goals as well? If you don't mind

My life goal is to solve more problems that impact as many people as possible.

Are you interested in working with David and rest of the team at EarlyBird? Send us an open application and we'll be in touch when there's an opening.