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Automatically funnel your landing page conversion data into your Notion workspace, enhancing organization and productivity.


What is Notion?

Notion is a comprehensive workspace where you can write, plan, collaborate, and organize. Notion is an all-in-one tool that blends everyday work apps into one. It's like having a collection of digital post-it notes, databases, Kanban boards, wikis, calendars and reminders all under one roof. With its flexible and intuitive interface, Notion allows you to customize your workspace to suit your needs, making it a favorite among teams and individuals looking to streamline their workflow.

By integrating EarlyBird with Notion, you can automate the flow of conversion data from your landing pages directly into your Notion workspace. This means that every time a user converts on your landing page, their details are automatically organized in your Notion tables or databases. This eliminates the need for manual data entry, ensuring accuracy and saving time. With all your data neatly organized in Notion, you can quickly analyze your conversions, make data-driven decisions, and streamline your marketing efforts.

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How to connect EarlyBird + Notion

Integrating EarlyBird with Notion is easy and keeps your team in the loop at all times.

Read the tutorial

Why EarlyBird?

With EarlyBird, create landing pages that help you understand your market, validate your ideas, and kickstart your business journey.

We enable people to setup working landing pages faster, reduce code complexity, and save tons of time without giving up control of landing page design or functionality.

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