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Automatically add your landing page conversions to your Sendy subscriber lists, enhancing your email marketing efforts with ease.


What is Sendy?

Sendy is a self-hosted email newsletter application that lets you send trackable emails via Amazon Simple Email Service (SES). Sendy revolutionizes email marketing by providing a powerful, cost-effective platform that puts you in control. With its rich features like list segmentation, autoresponders, detailed reports, and custom fields, Sendy gives you the tools to create personalized, targeted email campaigns that truly engage your audience.

Integrating EarlyBird with Sendy can supercharge your email marketing workflow. Every time a visitor converts on your landing page, their details are automatically added to your chosen Sendy list. This means you can trigger personalized email campaigns instantly, keeping your brand at the top of your audience's mind. By automating this process, you can ensure consistent communication with your subscribers, improving engagement and strengthening your relationship with your audience.

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How to connect EarlyBird + Sendy

Integrating EarlyBird with Sendy is easy and keeps your team in the loop at all times.

Read the tutorial

Why EarlyBird?

With EarlyBird, create landing pages that help you understand your market, validate your ideas, and kickstart your business journey.

We enable people to setup working landing pages faster, reduce code complexity, and save tons of time without giving up control of landing page design or functionality.

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