What is a Landing Page?

Here's the first article from our LandingOS series. Back to basics, learn "what is a landing page"

What is a Landing Page?
This article represents chapter 0, part 1 of our new Landing OS series. The subscribers of earlybird.im/blog gets early access to all our chapters.

Have you ever been to a website and seen a clear call to action but no real information about the product or service? That's what a landing page is—it's the first step of any user's journey before they make their purchase.

A landing page is an important tool for any business. Visitors can reach a single web page after clicking on an advertisement, social media post, or another type of promotion.

It's a powerful way to capture the attention of potential customers with a relevant offer, product feature, or another key message that resonates with them.

If you want to know more about landing pages, what is it used for, tips to optimize your landing page, and many more, then you are at the perfect page because here you will get all the information you want.

So, let's get deeper.

What is Landing Page Useful For?

Here are some of the tasks a landing page is used for;

An Effective Way to Direct Traffic

Landing pages are often used to promote a product or service, collect leads and build a mailing list, or share important information about a brand. It's an effective way to direct traffic towards the most relevant content on a website and give visitors a more concentrated experience.

Use to Test Marketing Strategies and Initiatives

Another way to use landing pages is to test different marketing strategies and initiatives. By creating multiple versions of a page with slight variations, businesses can test different versions of a page to see which one resonates with their target audience. This is crucial for optimizing product and service offerings for maximum impact and effectiveness.

Optimize User Experience by Using Landing Page

Finally, landing pages can be used to optimize the user experience. By creating a page tailored to suit specific customer needs, businesses can ensure that visitors get the information they need quickly and easily. This can help to improve customer engagement and increase conversions.

What Does a Good Landing Page Consist of?

A good landing page should have a clear and concise copy that explains the page's purpose and why it's important for the customer. It should also feature relevant images and videos, attractive calls to action, and an organized layout that guides users through the information on the page.

Additionally, a good design should be aesthetically pleasing and easy to follow, so visitors can easily navigate your website. Finally, having a responsive design is critical to ensure the customer has an enjoyable experience regardless of their device.

By following these guidelines, businesses can create an effective landing page that helps increase conversions and grow their customer base.

The Key Difference Between Homepage and Landing Page

The main difference between a homepage and a landing page is that a homepage acts as a hub or portal for your website, providing an overview of all the content available on your website.

A landing page, on the other hand, is a specific page designed to direct people who click through from an advertisement, search engine result, or link toward certain content.

The goal of a landing page is usually to capture visitors' contact information by providing them with something valuable in return for their submission. This could include an eBook, webinar registration, coupon code, etc. Landing pages are highly targeted and focused around one topic allowing businesses to create custom messages and offers more tailored to their target customers.

Landing Page are Perfect for Small Companies

Yes, small companies need landing pages. Landing pages are an essential tool for any company, large or small. While bigger businesses often have the resources to create multiple marketing campaigns and websites dedicated to different products and services, small companies may only be able to afford a single website and a limited budget.

By creating strategic landing pages, small companies can tap into the same opportunities as larger ones, reaching out to target customers with relevant offers tailored specifically for them. Furthermore, landing pages provide businesses of all sizes with additional opportunities to collect data about their customers' behavior and interests, which can help inform future marketing efforts.

Steps To Make a Landing Page

The following are the steps you need to take when creating a landing page:

Identify Your Target Audience

Before crafting your message or offer, you must understand your target customer and what they are looking for.

Choose a Platform

There are many options for selecting a landing page platform for building your page. Consider factors such as design capabilities, cost, ease of use, and more when deciding which option is best for you.

Design Your Page

Once you have chosen a platform, you can begin designing your page. You want to ensure that the page looks professional, captures visitors' attention, and promotes conversion by providing relevant information.

Write Your Copy

Writing copy that resonates with your potential customers is essential when creating a successful landing page. Focus on writing content that speaks directly to your target audience's wants or needs while keeping things concise and simple.

Add an Offer

What's in it for visitors? List any offers or incentives you plan on including on your page (shareable discount codes, free shipping, exclusive access, etc.) and include them in the appropriate sections of your landing page design.

Optimize for Search Engines

Landing pages can be used as part of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies, so it's important to include relevant keywords throughout your text for search engines like Google and Bing to better index them in their results pages.

Publish and Promote

Now that you have everything ready to go, all that's left is publishing your new lander and promoting it! Share it on social media, via email marketing campaigns, or even paid ads if you choose -- don't forget to add tracking links so you can measure performance down the line!


Creating an effective landing page is essential if you want your business to be successful online. Above, we have mentioned all the important details necessary to create a winning landing page for your business!

So, take the first step and create the perfect landing page for your business today.

Read the next chapter:

Why You Need Landing Pages
Setting up a new business? here’s why you need landing pages. Chapter 0, Part 2 of Landing OS series.